Change of Plans
January 11, 2004 11:23 am

I had plans today to go into the city for one last hoorah. Two of the people going (married couple) called yesterday to tell me they couldn't go as her cousin is expected to not make it through today. He has had cancer for the last three years and his body just can't take it anymore. :( I've spent most of the morning doing cooking and I'm going to take a few meals down today. The family has been called in and will all be arriving today, so I thought I'd get some food ready for them. And then I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I need to put the labels on our change-of-address cards so they can go out tomorrow. I need to get a box of stuff ready to send to Jim. I also need to go to Target. I bought a small 3-piece luggage set on clearance yesterday (great price!) but when I got home, I noticed one of the seams was torn. So I need to return that. It is actually sunny today & the sun always motivates me to be productive. I just don't have much productive to do today! LOL I'm at that waiting game stage. I have some straightening up to do but not much. Apartment is mostly clean as much as it can be with stuff everywhere and not being able to get to areas. I have a cross-stitch project to work on so maybe I'll do that for a couple hours. When I get back from Target I'm going to start packing for my quick trip to WA (taking out some extra stuff again). I'm sure I'll keep myself occupied. :)

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