Random Thoughts
December 08, 2003 10:27 pm

We got serious about apartment hunting today. I want to have a list together of possible locations plus the amenities we want before Jim heads out. As it stands now, he'll be in charge of finding an apartment and I want it to be as easy on him as possible. Plus I want to have SOME control over it! LOL We found several good possibilities.

I also started preliminary job searching. And I've already found one that has peaked my interest! It is a part-time library position. I've worked in a couple libraries while in college and really enjoyed it and I've often thought about getting my master's in library science. So this could be right up my alley! I can print the application off of their web-site. The applications also requires answers to four essay-type questions. Applications are due next week, so I need to get busy! With it being a part-time position, I could still keep up with my DU job plus add on another third job, if I want.

I think it is officially time for me to begin restricting the time I spend watching & reading the news. While that began way back in February and has increased some since then, reading about the injuries & deaths of the new Stryker unit out of Fort Lewis hit a little too close to home. After hearing that on the news, how do you then go to sleep while waiting to see if you will receive a visitor bringing you the news you so desperately don't want to come? Names haven't yet been released pending notification. A long night has just begun for the Fort Lewis families. I know that this is now my life but I also think it is best for me to restrict the news. I'm such a news-junkie but my heart just hearts too much to continue my news habit.

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