Sliding Again...
October 21, 2003 9:32 pm

I can feel myself starting to fall into that seclusion/can't-deal thing again. Rough week with can't-discuss issues, getting very anxious for our orders, getting nervous about moving, getting sad about leaving here, getting nervous about not knowing where I'm moving and if my husband will be with me or at war, etc, etc...Normally I handle things so well but, for whatever reason, all of this I'm just not handling well. I'm really struggling just to stay afloat. I hate feeling like this. All the things I normally do to maintain sanity aren't working and I don't know where to turn. Luckily I'm maintaining better than I was. And if I can just hold on for a couple more weeks, I'll be in good shape. Hopefully this week we'll get our orders and, no matter what they are, I'll just be relieved to have them. So I'm now off to read and pamper myself a bit so I hopefully wake up with a better outlook tomorrow.

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