One Weekend Down
July 20, 2003 9:34 pm

and one weekend to go. And what a nice one it was! Friday Jim got off early, so when he got home, we ran to the grocery and to pick up a movie. We rented The Pianist which wasn't as good as I had expected but not bad. We grilled out and then curled up to watch the movie and 20/20 all evening. Saturday morning a friend of Jim's called. He was going flying (recently got his pilot's license) and wanted to take Jim. So Saturday morning we spent the morning doing things around here and then Jim took off to go flying. Here is one of the pictures he took.

After he got back, he called to let me know they were back. I had them invite Jason & Jordan to go to dinner with us and then to miniature golf. They were free and I am so glad! It was such a great evening. Dinner at Max & Erma's was fabulous and then the miniature golf course was very cute. It was SO crowded so we spent much of the time waiting to play the next hole. But that actually worked out nice because it allowed us plenty of time to chit-chat. Here's a picture I got off the four of us after we played.

It was a fairly expensive course but fun. I'm glad we went and I'm glad we had friends with whom to share the evening.

Today has been basically lazying around and being together. A trip to Sam's Club and a wonderful dinner on the grill (hamburgers with a hickory barbecue sauce glaze, bacon and lettuce with grilled corn-on-the-cob and a baked potato (for me) and mac-n-cheese (for Jim)) completed the rest of the day. Tonight we curled up on the couch and watched 60 Minutes, an Antarctica special on CNN and Ice Cream Unwrapped on FoodTV. Jim's in bed now and I needed to catch up on some e-mails. Storms are coming our way, so I'm heading off now.

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