And again...
June 26, 2003 12:30 pm

I've not been updating. Work has been absolutely nuts (pales in comparison to when I've complained before) and I've barely had time to think. And I haven't been exactly organized with my time lately, which has made it all worse.

Next week we're starting book club at the learning center. One of my classes wasn't supposed to start until the following Monday. Yesterday, though, she tells me its starting next Monday and I am not sure yet what I'm doing for it. Maybe "Charlotte's Web". The other class will read "To Kill a Mockingbird." Honestly, I think its too much for those kids but that is what she wants, so I'll go for it and hope for the best. I need to find my copy and spend the weekend reading it. I've not yet taught such an intense book, so I have to be extra-prepared.

Jim turned in his resignation yesterday. That makes it seem so very final.

We have an out-of-state wedding in a few weeks. But, due to financial reasons, I'm not going. I'm a little sad about it but I have other plans that weekend too, so its not *such* a sad thing. Jim's old roommate (and one of our groomsmen) is getting married in RI. But it was just going to be too much money for me to go also. But this way, Jim gets to go for a little longer. And I think he needs that "guy time". Just wish I could be there to see Ed get married. He's always been such a supportive and wonderful friend to both of us. The timing just wasn't good.

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