Tiring Weekend...
March 17, 2003 10:00 am

but a wonderful one!! Friday night I had several things to do around the house, so most of the evening was spent doing that. Saturday morning we got up early and stopped to get bagels for breakfast before heading to the train station. We got downtown and walked over to the river to see it dyed green. I so love that!! After that, we walked over to the parade site and found a great spot. While we waited, I busily played my Gameboy. We got a new game for it last weekend and I have to admit that I'm a *tad* addicted. LOL We left the parade before it was over, so we could make the 2:30 train. Stopped for lunch at the train station and then headed home. The train was late, so I was late getting back, which threw my timing off. Jim helped me finish gathering my stuff and then I was off. I had to stop by a friend's house on my way to Vicki's. As I was getting ready to leave, I realized I had a flat tire. Grrrr! So my friend ran to the store to get me a new one. It wasn't the right one, so back he went. Finally got back and changed it and I was left. We had a wonderful time at Vicki's. I didn't get as much done as I had hoped but I wasn't as organized as I should have been. I did get to work on KC's book (for Jim), which I've really needed to do. The next morning, we had a yummy breakfast and we sat around chatting for a couple hours before I needed to leave. On my way home, I stopped to wash my car. It was SUCH a beautiful day that I expected a long line. To my surprise, there weren't any! In the winter, I don't terribly mind a dirty car since its about impossible unless I want to wash it daily. But I LOVE having a clean car for driving in the spring/summer, with the windows down and music blariing. :) I got home and had lunch and then we headed out to do some errands. On the way home, we stopped to walk a trail at the forest preserve. It was such a great day for walking outside! When we got home, we watched a movie (actually, Jim watched it...the kittens and I slept!). We had hamburgers on the grill (yum!) and the rest of the evening was spent working, cleaning and watching TV. I've got a ton pictures to put up, so I'll try to do that tonight.

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