February 20, 2003 12:51 pm

Today is SUCH a beautiful day!! Mid-40s, bright sun, gentle breeze...I'm in love!! :) I so love these little hints of spring!! I ran to wash my car today and just drove around with the windows barely cracked, fun music blaring and the sun shining down!! And now I'm off to do some cleaning (this weather always makes me want to clean LOL!) and a little more work before heading to exercise. Dilemma tonight...watch the new Friends or watch the Bachleor special??! I'm not a big watcher of The Bachelor but I do love tell-all gossip sessions. LOL And the VCR is broken so I can't tape one. Tough decision!! Plannig to work on my recipe swap SB pages tonight during TV. And work on a revised budget (we're going to start cutting expenses in preparation for the major salary change we'll be experiencing in a few months!!). And I need to do several loads of laundry today. Exciting, exciting!! :)

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