Another Month In Review
April 30, 2002 10:00 pm

Another month down! Life has been good. :-)

I'm adjusting to all the changes in my little communities. Its still been a little rough for me, especially as I learn more about all of it, but I'm doing good with it.

This session is coming to an end for the learning center and we'll start summer session soon. I really love teaching that.

Weight loss is now a net total of 0. I went to the doctor last week but found nothing conclusive (checked thyroid and anemia count). I'm going to make a call this week for another appointment to discuss other possibilities. I've also signed up for Weight Watchers online program, so I'm hoping that helps as well.

For exercise, I ran/walked 777 minutes and logged 50 miles for the month!! My average was 15:49 minute/mile! I ran for 299 minutes (23 miles). Pleased with my progress.

Too tired to set goals for next month--they are in my brain but I'm too tired to write them out. Sorry! Too tired to write any more about this month either...

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