March 26, 2002 5:31 pm

Weighed myself today...no change--again. I am getting so frustrated. I've been exercising 4-5 times a week since October and have only lost about 5 pounds. I've lost several inches (I think I'm up to about 7) but I haven't seen much change in the way my clothes fit really. I drink my 12-15 glasses of water a day, 3-4 servings of fruit and veggies, try to limit my fat and sugar (fat is my weak spot), exercise...I just don't understand why its not coming off! I feel like I'm doing everything pretty close to right. But I am determined, so I'll keep plugging away at it. I'm also wondering if I should get my thyroid checked. My mom has a really messed up thyroid, as does my aunt, grandma and sister (who started having problems about my age). I had it checked August of 2000 and it was okay but it could explain the incredibly slow loss I'm seeing.

The good thing is that I really am feeling better. I have a good amount of energy. I haven't been sick much (except for the month of December which was also the time I didn't exercise much). I'm feeling good about myself. My endo. hasn't been *too* bad overall. SAD is under control. I've really been taking the time for me. I'm also proud of my improving eating habits--really examining if I'm hungry or just bored, trying to leave at least a few bites on my plate each meal, eating less meat and more veggies/fruit, using less oil, having better snacks...

I started all this to better myself not primarily to lose weight/inches but I'd love to see some change there after seeing the changes inside of me. I'll just keep plugging away...

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