February Check-In!
February 28, 2002 10:08 pm

I can NOT believe this month is over already!! But its been a really good month. Work has been insane. I thought last fall was busy but now I really know what busy is like. But I love it more and more each day!!

At the end of last month, I mentioned working more on my relationship with my DH and I am proud to say that I did very well with my goals. I've added a couple more to the ones I already have and will keep working. I've noticed some definite changes in us and I love that! :-) And its spilled over to just me also. Those things I've been working on for us have really made for a calmer and more relaxed me. Of course, that in turn spills back into our relationship. A big circle. But a good one!

As for working out/eating healthier...Overall I think I've done well. Having B4L to be accountable to has really helped. I'm making better food choices on a more regular basis. I'd like to work this month on trying some new fruits. I eat a lot of a few fruits but I'd like to like more. So I plan to get a new fruit each time I go to the grocery store. This summer will focus on more veggies.

As for working out, I did pretty good. I surpassed the goals I set for myself. I walked/ran for 531 minutes, plus two 8-minute videos at least once a week. My average was 17:58 minutes/mile. I ran for 34% of my overall time. And I took about 68,000 steps. Not a bad month!

I found a 5-K (3.1 miles) training guide that outlines a daily routine in order to build up time. So I'm starting that this month. My hope is that I can follow it exactly for each week but I have a feeling that I'm going to allow two weeks per one week they suggest. And I'm completly okay with that. I'd love to get up to a 10K run by the end of April, which is the way it'd work out, but June would be cool. I don't have to start concentrating on true distance quite yet. 2005 marathon is still a way off. LOL

March Goals:

  • Continue to work on specific goals with my marriage

  • One new fruit each time I visit the grocery store

  • Start the 5K training guide

  • 600 minutes of exercise

  • 38% of that spent running

  • 80,000 steps

  • 17:40 mile

  • Lose 2.5" more inches (5" gone this month!)

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