February 20, 2002 11:10 pm

Yes, I've been quite the slacker in updating here lately. This week has been NUTS. Who in the world told clients they could e-mail me?!?!! Don't they know that I've had no desire to speak with them this week?! Such a bad, bad agent. :-)

Leaving tomorrow for Indiana and I can't wait!!! My sister called to say she's skipping bible study tomorrow night so she can hang out with me and go to dinner. Friday she's roped Mom and I into helping her paint her bathroom and kitchen. Thrilling, eh?! Going out with my dad and step-mom Friday night. Saturday we're going shopping with mom in Nashville. Yea! Saturday night we're going to dinner with my grandma and I'm not sure who else. Sunday coming back home. Lots of things planned but mainly just being with my family. Can't wait! My sister has also told me that I WILL be walking with her Friday and Saturday (she's training to walk in a half-marathon), so I'll at least get my exercise in while I'm gone (which is more than I can say about this week!!)

I still have a few more things to do around here before I leave tomorrow but I think I'm mostly set. Need to make a couple calls in the morning for clients, run to Target and return some workout pants (which were about six inches too long! LOL) and run to the bank. Then I'll be "On The Road Again; Just can't wait to be on the road again..."

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