You Know Those Days
February 06, 2002 10:57 pm

...that you wish you had never gotten out of bed?? Well, that was my day. Found a couple screw-ups on a couple client reservations. Nothing too big. Except for one. We are supposed to check to make sure a client isn't a repeat one. Well, I forgot to do that on one. And he booked. And his first agent found out and is upset. Tried to fix it but was just told to be careful. So now I not only have this other agent upset, but I can't fix the damn problem. Its really nothing too major but I feel so bad about it. Probably doesn't help that I started my period and am WAY emotional!!!

And that's another thing...I started my period and I have done nothing but EAT ALL DAY!!!!! I feel so icky.

Then there's my classes...had to go to Kinko's to make copies because our copier is down. Left my book there. Called tonight and they have it but its not conveniently located, so I gotta' make a special trip to get it. At least they have it!

Tried to have sex tonight. Too damn painful. Shock, shock. Just my luck since we both actually wanted it.

Walked outside today and found a parking ticket on my car. I don't have my new village parking sticker on the windshield. But it was on the front seat. GRRRR. $50 gone there.

And, finally, Jim and I sat down tonight to figure out whether we really should (could) buy a house/condo this summer. We realized that we really probably shouldn't. With the down payment we have, our monthly output would go up about $600, when you factor mortgage, PMI insurance, home-owners insurance and extra utilities. And we could do it but it would require us to put less towards my student loans and cut down on our spending some. Or we could put more down payment down but then be left without the 4 month balance (that would cover all rent and living expenses) in savings that we like to have, which obviously isn't wise. I just wish it didn't have to work like that. We do so well compared to so many people our ages. We have no debt that isn't good debt (just student loans and car loan), we put 8% of Jim's salary straight to their stock program, another 4% to his retirement program, pay extra towards loans (car loan should be paid off 14 months early and student loans 4-6 years early), I coupon/shop sales, we rent movies (only with coupons, of course! LOL) instead of going to theater, etc, etc, etc...But even with all that fairly good money-management, we can't afford the down payment. So basically it'd be better if we didn't do things like save for retirement, invest in stocks/mutual funds and pay extra towards our loans, just so we'd have more money to show for a down payment?!?! I know in the long run we'll be glad we did those things but that doesn't help ease the disappointment in not being able to do it now. I look around at other places in the country and see such cheap houses and get so frustrated. Half the price for twice as much. And I know they say salaries reflect cost of livings but I know that if we went to some of these other places, there's no way Jim would be making half as much at his job. Engineers just aren't paid that. Its all just disappointing...

Sigh...so, off to bed I go, with this damn migraine that hasn't left for three days, to have a pity party for myself.

Quote For The Day:
When things are bad,
we take comfort in the thought...
that they could always be worse.
And when they are,
We find hope in the thought...
that things are so bad, they have to
get better.
--Malcom S. Forbes

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