Year Two...
2002-01-08 9:36 a.m.

Two years ago, I was leaving my hairdresser, with my beautiful hand-made veil on, going to get my make-up done (and get some deodarent, as I could NOT find mine anywhere! LOL)...weird...it seems like yesterday but it seems SOOOOOOOOO long ago also! Year two has been so much better than year one. Year one was tougher than I ever imagined. There were a lot of tough things about year two, mainly healthwise. I've been sick more the last year than I've been healthy it seems. Jim has been amazing through it all. Right there to hold me or bring me some pain meds or my heating pad. Right there to help me get dressed when it hurts too much to bend. I appreciate all he's done more than I could ever express. When it seems like he hasn't shown his love much lately, all I have to do is think about those things and I realize how much he truly does. Typically male, he doesn't always know how to show his love. But yet he does in the things he does each day. Every Monday evening, when I come home from work, Jim has the TV in the living room on 7th Heaven waiting for me, as I'm usually coming home just as it comes on. Every morning, while I'm still sleeping, he kisses me good-bye as he leaves for work. When I'm cooking dinner, he'll often come up behind me and rub my shoulders. At night, he'll often grab my heating pad and heat it up for me and bring it to me while I'm working on the computer. And the list goes on...

Its starting to feel like we're finally getting the hang of this marriage thing. We're definetly not veterans yet but we're learning! :-) And I can't wait to spend the next hundred years learning to be marriage veterans with my wonderful husband!!

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