You Just Look Fat!
June 07, 2004 5:46 pm

What a lovely comment to say to a pregnant lady (well, to anyone, actually). Over the weekend I was volunteering at a function. One of the ladies didn't know I was pregnant. Someone made a comment about it and she looked at me and then down at my stomach and said, "I didn't know you were pregnant. You just look fat." :rolleyes: Besides the fact that I (and most everyone else) do think I look pregnant and the fact that I had on a shirt that (I thought) was pretty obviously a maternity one, even if you THINK that about someone, why in the hell would you say it out loud???!! This person isn't known for her tactfulness but still!!! I got a good laugh, though, as one of the other ladies really let her have it for that comment. Even if she hadn't "come to my rescue", I wouldn't have taken it to heart. More than anything I was just floored that someone would actually say that!!!

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