Nothing to Say...
May 06, 2003 2:05 pm

really. Yesterday was a busy day. I found someplace to baord the kittens (need to call the vet so I can get a fax sent to them showing they are up to date on their shots). Found a new wallet for my CUTE new purse. The purse is much smaller than the one I carry now and my wallet wouldn't fit. I found a sweater to go over my dress. But when I got it home and tried it on with the dress, I didn't really care for it. So back to Target to return that. Teaching tonight. Wonder how many students will bring me something for Teacher Appreciation Day?? LOL I have several client things to do today and still need to send out an e-mail letting them know I'm going to be gone. And I GOTTA' get busy on my sister's veil tonight. If I can get the flowers done (or mostly done) tonight, then I can work on trimming up the back and actually cutting the layers tomorrow. I'm planning to take the ribbon, thread and beads with me to Nashville, so I can work on those in the car. Ugh. I can't believe how much I delayed this!!! May snuck up on me SO quickly! I should go make a few client calls before going to workout.

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