Still Here...
July 25, 2002 12:21 am

Tired, HORRIBLY BUSY, depressed and mentally drained. But I'm here. Found out tonight that insurance won't pay to get Jim's car fixed as it will cost more to fix than its worth. So we'll get a check instead. So now we have to go find him a car. It'll have to be used since we're still paying on my car loan. So now we've gone from a $500 deductible for Jim's impatience to several thousand. Can you tell I'm not too pleased right now?!?! LOL I'm just not looking forward to finding a car and then having those car payments. I had planned to really start working on getting rid of my car loan and be done with it a year early. Guess I won't now. Good thing is that as soon as I make one more payment, we'll be down to one less student loan, so I guess that will help. Jim's parents are up this weekend, so we can't go looking then. We plan to go out tomorrow night and then Sunday, I guess. We got the rental car today and it'll be up on Sunday, so we have to see if we can get it extended until we find a car. Ugh. I am not amused. Especially this week with everything else going on. I've been a stress ball all week. Think I'm going to try and get a massage in tomorrow even though time is severly lacking. I need it before dealing with the in-laws! LOL

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