This and That
July 10, 2002 10:20 pm

1. I am SO glad that tomorrow is my last morning of teaching! Doing both morning and evening classes have been a real drain on me, something I haven't needed the past two weeks. The extra money has been nice and the change in classes have been nice. But I'm just too worn out to continue.

2. Chest x-rays came back clear, which means there is no clear reason why I'm having such problems. I was told to track my symptoms for the remainder of the week and call back next week for another appointment if its still not better. Its been a pretty steady thing for almost two weeks now with the intensity varying. But its been REALLY hard to do anything that elevates my heartrate much, which is getting old. :(

3. Pizza party tomorrow! We have one after each summer session. Can't wait!! Easily amused these days. LOL

4. I'm exhausted! We had a really long day. Had to take Jim's car to the collision center this morning for an estimate. Then off to take him to work and then me. Then back home to do DU work before heading back to the learning center until 7. Went and picked Jim up, ran by Subway and finally got home about 8. Ate and then fell into bed for an hour. Of coruse, I'm wide awake (but tired) now. Really hope to get back into a better sleep pattern (as if there IS such a thing for me) after summer session.

5. Off to curl up and watch some TV.

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