Well, That Was Fun...
July 01, 2002 9:47 am

I spent several hours in the ER last night only to be given some Xanax and told to relax. :rolleyes: Friday I started having a real shortness of breath. Felt like I could never get enough in. My heart beat was really erratic, going from low 90's up to 120's/130's. My normal restin is low 70s, so I knew something was up. But I ignored it most of the weekend. But yesterday afternoon I started feeling worse. I thought it might have been the heat, so we turned on the air and I rested. But it kept getting worse--lightheadedness, nausea, shakiness, etc...So about 9, I throw up and Jim decides its time to take me in. I wanted to wait and call the doc in the morning but he was getting scared. So off we went.

By the time we got there, I could barely walk I was so weak. Jim gets me a wheelchair and we go inside. Waited about 30 minutes and then the doctor comes in to take my symptoms and such. Orders an EKG and some blood tests (FOUR vials!! I throw up if more than one vial is taken so the nurse had a good time trying to get a SECOND pan for me when I filled up the first one. Ewww, I know. LOL). They also gave me some valium.

Doc comes in a couple hours later and tells me everything came back fine, so it must have been stress. I was so tired and not in the mood to argue, so I just listened to him. That was exactly the reason I didn't want to go to the ER, as I figured that is exactly what they'd say. Last week was one of my most relaxed-feeling weeks in months, so I don't understand how it could be stress. And, I know my body and stress. My body doesn't get anywhere NEAR like that when I'm stressed. Nurse came back in with my papers and we left. I'm supposed to follow-up with my doctor but I really don't want to go and have HIM tell me that nothing is wrong with me also. I'm feeling "eh" today. Still short of breath. And weak. Called in to work and won't be there today. I'm supposed to take it easy for a couple of days but I think I will go tutor tomorrow. I e-mailed my DU boss last night and she's watching my clients for a couple days. Jim really wants me to call the doctor for a follow-up, so I guess I'll try to do that Wednesday. I do NOT want to go but...So that was fun...or not.

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