Five Things
May 24, 2002 10:22 pm

I didn't really have anything to say tonight but wanted to say something, since my last entry was a bit of a downer! I've seen this activity in many journals and always meant to do it--saw it in a friend's journal tonight and was inspired.

Five things you hate:

1. People who depend on someone else for their identity
2. Systems that do nothing to protect the victims (anyone catch tonight's 20/20??!!!)
3. Cheese
4. People who refuse to try to do "X"
5. Pain

Five things you don't understand:

1. The Asian languages
2. Why people intentionally hurt others
3. Close-mindedness (is that even a word?! LOL)
4. Anything dealing with computer hardware or programming, outside of HTML (pretty fluent in that)
5. Death

Five things on your desk:

1. Empty beverage containers (two cans and three water bottles)
2. My Mickey Mouse College of Knowledge Graduate Ears, which absolutely rock!
3. Lotion dispenser
4. My Dopey tape dispenser
5. A couple recipe cards (an apple crisp, a bread machine recipe and a brownie recipe)

Five things you are doing right now:

1. Listening to NPR (I'm in another one of my NPR-junkie phases)
2. Sipping some hot apple cider
3. Chatting on ICQ
4. Wishing I could chat on the phone with someone
5. Waiting for my heating pad to finish heating in the microwave

Five negative facts about you:

1. I'm not always very patient
2. I haven't been very good keeping in touch with people for the past yearish--not for lack of desire though--I love hearing from friends!!
3. I have a hard time not holding grudges
4. I like to be the center of attention
5. I take things too personally sometimes (but I'm getting much better!!)

Five positive facts about you:

1. I'm loyal to the end
2. I care deeply and truly
3. I love to smile and laugh and make others do the same
4. That I'm trying to be better at corresponding with friends
5. I love to learn things and try to pass that enjoyment on to my students

Five things you plan to do before you die:

1. Be a mother
2. Write a children's story
3. Learn to truly forgive
4. Earn a doctorate
5. Go back to Ireland

Five things you can do:

1. Cook (and do it pretty well!)
2. Laugh at myself
3. Look back at my life without regret
4. Teach
5. Make others smile

Five things you can't do:

1. Give up on people
2. Really understand computers
3. Stay awake for an entire movie
4. Easily forgive and forget
5. Make a souffle

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