April 08, 2002 1:47 pm

At first glance, I wouldn't have predicted blue for me. But what do I know?! LOL

Red: 6/100 Blue: 15/100 White: 9/100 Yellow: 15/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano


The do-gooders

Life cannot bestow on anyone a more gratifying reward than the sincere appreciation and trust of a Blue friend.

Blues Are Motivated by Altruism

Blues love to do nice things for others. They look for opportunities to give up something in order to bring another person happiness. Selflessness rather than selfishness is their guiding philosophy. Many Blues are uncomfortable doing things solely for themselves. They hold doors open for people, offer rides when someone's car breaks down, contribute to charities, even devote their entire lives to helping others.

Blues Seek Intimacy

More than anything else, Blues want to love and be loved. A true Blue will sacrifice a successful career to improve an important relationship. Once considered solely a female characteristic, this nurturing is more accurately understood as a Blue personality trait.

Blues Crave Being Understood

Blues are gratified when they are listened to, when they feel understood and appreciated. They are notorious for revealing their inadequacies, because they value being known and understood so much. In the eyes of a Blue, being vulnerable is a small price to pay for the chance to connect emotionally. Blues may have their hearts broken more than most people, but they also spend much more time in love.

Blues Need to Be Remembered and Appreciated

With Blues, a simple pat on the back will not suffice. Blues expend such great effort in making the world a better place that sometimes they need to be told how wonderful they are. They need to be thanked and specifically remembered for their good deeds. They need sincere gratitude. They delight in being remembered on birthdays and other special days, especially if the remembrance is personal--a homemade anniversary card, a welcome home party, a special day that isn't on the calendar. Blues need tender loving care.

Blues Are Directed by a Strong Moral Conscience

Blues are motivated to behave in a proper, appropriate manner. They have a moral code that guides them in their decision making, their value judgments, even their leisure time. Blues enjoy being "good." Of all the personality colors, Blues come equipped with the strongest sense of integrity. A Blue would rather lose than cheat. Blues are trustworthy. Ethically, Blues are the people who should be in positions of power, but seldom are.

Blues are the most controlling personality.

They are fiercely connected to the lives they live and often appear to be emotionally unstoppable, as though on a mission from God.

Blue Strengths


Sees life as a serious endeavor.
Appreciates beauty and detail.
Has a strong aesthetic sense.
Stable and dependable (plowhorse versus racehorse.)
Sincere and emotionally deep.
Analytically oriented (concerned with why one behaves as he/she does.)
High achiever
Deep sense of purpose.


Able to enjoy sensitive and deep conversation.
Strong skills in empathizing with others.
Remembers feelings and thoughts shared in conversation.
Willing to give conversations time to run their course.
Prefers small groups.


Highly disciplined.
Receptive to other suggestions.
Strong goal orientation.
Plans well and follows through superbly.


Excellent behind-the-scenes worker.
Respectful of employer because of employer's position.
Enjoys detail and schedules.
Receptive of creating thinking in others.
Gives more of self than required or expected.


Encourages academics and/or trade development in children.
Excellent trainer of skills (e.g., manners, study habits.)
Very observant.
Empathic & sensitive.
Sincerely loyal to children.
Excellent in long-term commitments.
Keeps home clean & cozy.
Sincerely seeks to understand children's behavior.


Proper & behaved.
Easily disciplined verbally.
Concerned about being a good family member.
Sensitive & concerned about other family members.
Loyal to parents and siblings regardless of quality of relationship.
Seeks learning opportunities.


Loyal forever once friendship is established.
Genuine concern for other person's well-being.
Remembers special holidays and promotes celebrations.
Encouraging in times of trouble.
Willing to commit time to the relationship.


Gives the relationship priority over other activities.
Values intimacy and places high priority on it.
Considers spouse first in decision making.
Responsible for making ongoing contribution to relationship.
Enjoys sharing intimacy and places high priority on it.

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