This and That
February 09, 2002 12:29 am

I felt so out of sorts today. Couldn't get organized and couldn't get focused. I hate those kinds of days!!

Had another awesome workout. So far this month I've exercised for 259 min, 85 of those minutes is running, which is officially 1/3 of that total time! I'd like for my running time to equal 35% this month. I can do that. I can probably do more but I refuse to set myself up for possible disappointment, even if it means setting my goals a bit low. I'll work on pushing myself more as working out becomes more a part of my life.

I took my measurements and I'm down 3 3/4 inches from where I started!! I measure in several different spots and tally them up, so that isn't all in one area but I'm still excited! I've lost 2 1/4" at my natural waist and 1/2" from the waist at navel level and then 1/2" from each thigh! Yippeee!! I like measuring inches, as I can see even the slightest differences that way and I need that motivation. Weight alone doesn't work for me, especially knowing that I'm building muscle, which does weigh more than fat. So that doesn't give me an accurate portrayal. My goal is to lose another 3 inches by the end of the month.

Weekend goals:

  • Workout for 50 minutes

  • Buy a pedometer (yea, I know this was on last week's...I went looking but couldn't find one I liked, so I didn't end up buying one. There are a couple other places I'll check this weekend.)

  • Do four loads of laundry (I got really behind this week because I was out of quarters and kept forgetting to go to the bank to get some.)

  • Find a new fiction book to read. I really need to find the pleasure in that again.

  • Find someone to watch my clients while I'm gone at the end of the month.

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