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Life's A Dance You Learn As You Go
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2001-11-29 - ">Back from Thanksgiving, Leaving for a Cruise!!
2001-11-19 - ">Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
2001-11-12 - ">This One's For You Jen!
2001-10-30 - ">I Love Being Married!
2001-10-24 - ">Need a Vacation!!
2001-10-07 - ">10 Years Come and Gone
2001-10-05 - ">Friday Again!
2001-10-03 - ">So I Forgot to Knock on Wood...
2001-10-02 - ">Wonderful, Wonderful Weekend
2001-09-26 - ">Less Than Two Days!!
2001-09-23 - ">A "Fall" Sunday
2001-09-21 - ">Personality Disorder Test
2001-09-21 - ">TGIF!
2001-09-17 - ">Last Week... (Long)
2001-08-24 - ">No Way Out...
2001-08-22 - ">Happy Client Day
2001-08-20 - ">The Weekend
2001-08-14 - ">Plans...
2001-08-06 - ">Almost over...
2001-07-30 - ">Spiraling Downard...
2001-07-30 - ">Monday, Monday
2001-07-27 - ">Friday!
2001-07-25 - ">Smiling...
2001-07-25 - ">Jumping on the Bandwagon...

2004 Entries
2003 Entries
2002 Entries
2001 Entries

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