Happy New Year!
January 01, 2005 9:08 pm

E and I had a very quiet & uneventful New Year. Last night we were going to get together for dinner with some friends. None of us, though, were really in the mood to celebrate so we called it off. E caught up on her sleep by going down about 12:30 pm and, save for gettinp to eat and a couple short play sessions, slept until this morning. I napped, unpacked, cleaned, caught up on some journal reading and watched TV. I accidentally fell asleep about 11:30.

Today we went to get E's 3-month pictures taken. They came out pretty good, so I was quite pleased. We got home about noon and spent the rest of the day playing, running a couple errands, getting a box ready for Jim and napping a little. Oh, and spitting up all her milk from her dinnertime feeding. All over herself. And her carseat. And the back seat of Jim's car (better his car than mine!!). :D

I just finished talking to Jim and putting E down, so I need to go straighten up a little, make some brownies and then settle down to watch Suze Orman (LOVE her show!)

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