August 17, 2004 5:48 pm

I'm such a sucker at my volunteer office!! And they are such smooth talkers!!! LOL Today we had our professional development and staff meeting day. Afterwards, the program lead and one of the managers started talking to me about becoming a co-manager for one of the positions. I like the other manager (she was the one who was talking to me about it), so I wouldn't mind working with her. And the job, once some "issues" are resolved, would be one I could do mostly from home. Occasionally paperwork would need to get into the office and picked up from the office but I know someone could come to my house to pick-up/drop-off if getting in was tough (I don't foresee it being a problem but with a little one...!) And for October/November, the other manager would pick up the slack for me. So they are definitely willing to work with me. And I think it would be something I'd enjoy. I just don't know if it is too much since I'm also now the newsletter editor. I think that I will commit to it but with the caution that if it is too much once the baby is here, one of the two positions will have to go.

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