Crossing Fingers
August 08, 2004 11:14 pm

For a ROUTINE appointment tomorrow!!! After all the complications of the past few months, I just want an in-and-out everything-looks-great appointment. At this point, I don't foresee anything going wrong. I haven't thrown up in a couple weeks, swelling is down a bit, my BP was good at the BP check Friday, no call about failing my GD test (they only call if something is wrong with the tests), weight gain looks good (up 1 pound), no "off" feelings. I've ALMOST made it to the next mini-goal the doctor set (32 weeks), so I'm very relieved on that. Even if I had to deliver now, chances of a healthy baby are pretty darn good. And that is what matters.

As a person and not just the person carrying this little girl, I could be doing better. I'm pretty uncomfortable overall, outgrowing all my pants, terribly itchy belly, my joints are taking a real beating with this added weight combined with being off my meds resulting in a lot of pain, this heartburn is for the birds, beyond tired of the food aversions and nausea, am lucky if I sleep 2 consecutive hours. But soon enough I'll be missing carrying this little one inside of me, moving around and being entirely dependent on ME for life. I am enjoying every minute of being pregnant (minus the minutes spent leaning over the toilet!!) and definitely wouldn't trade it for anything. And sometimes I feel "bad" for even complaining. This weekend has just been a rough one, emotionally & physically. And I'm just so nervous about the next appointment.

Whatever happens tomorrow, the health of my little one is all that truly matters.

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