I'm Really Staying Put Now :)
January 20, 2004 1:47 pm

I had such an awesome weekend!!! I am so very glad that I decided to bite the bullet, forget my cheapsake side and go out there this weekend. We didn't play tourist as much as we had planned and we didn't get much done on our list. But we spent a lot of time on us and THAT was more important than anything else.


Friday--I got up too damn early, got dressed, got the kittens ready, finished packing & loading my carry-on (everything else was done the night before) and then I was on my way. I stopped at 7-11 on the way and was finally truly on my way. The drive was uneventful & I easily found a parking space. After struggling with three suitcases, a bag and my cappuccino (should have finished it in the car!!), I got myself to the shuttle stop and then to the airport. I had a longish wait at the airport (I had to leave really early to beat the rush-hour traffic) but it went by quickly. The plane ride was uneventful and I was quickly in Jim's arms. After stopping for lunch, we went back to our place. We did some things around there and then went to run a few errands and go to dinner. We retired for the evening and spent it snuggling and watching TV.

Saturday--After finally dragging ourselves out of bed, we got ready and then headed to Seattle. We wandered around the Seattle Center, purchaed our City Pass tickets and then headed up the Space Needle. There were few clouds in the sky, so the view was awesome. We then had lunch and went to the science museum. It was nice enough but I'm glad the admission was included in our City Pass--definitely not worth full price. We wanted to do some exploring by foot but it was getting cold and the rain started in, so we went back for a nap instead. :)

Sunday--After sleeping in and watching some TV, Jim made breakfast. I then promptly went back to sleep for three more hours. :) That felt great!! After I finally got up, we had to run to the PX & comissary. I made a yummy roast for dinner and we spent the rest of the day just hanging out.

Monday--Depressed that I was leaving, we spent most of the day just being together. Jim dropped me off at the airport pretty early as he needed to get home & get a good night's sleep (physical training test this morning). After I checked in and made my way to the correct terminal, I settled down to watch CNN & the results from Iowa, so the time went quickly. I didn't sleep on the plane as much as I had hoped but a short nap this morning helped.

As we were flying in, I caught this view of Mt. Rainier. I don't think I'll ever stop being amazed at the sheer beauty of it.
Us from the top of the Space Needle.

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